Jumping Off A Bridge

You know how the old saying goes, “If all of your friends jumped off of a bridge, does that mean you should too?”. Well, in the case of starting a blog, yes, Mom, I do think it’s a good idea!

Blogging has become quite popular with financial advisors lately. And for good reason. It gives advisors the ability to get their values and ideas on paper and share them with the entire world.

I started this blog as a way to (selfishly) work on my writing skills while at the same time (altruistically) communicating my experiences as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER practitioner about how to handle everyday financial situations in a way that’s fun, quick, informative, and maybe not always so serious.

This blog will be for folks who don’t have a lot of time to sit down and read an exhaustive article about complex financial strategies. Instead, expect weekly five-minute reads where we’ll break down strategies — from simple to mildly complex — using easy to follow flowcharts and supporting commentary. I’ll also have periodic articles where we’ll take a closer look at random financial planning related topics.

You can learn more about me here. You can also connect with me via e-mail at patrick@precedentam.com.